
Is Farming Ruling Your Life

How to get the most from farming without letting it destroy your life: Part 2

In Part 1 of our newsletter, I examined some of the many challenges faced by farmers today. These challenges can lead to all sorts of problems and stress.  

Here in Part 2, I want to look at how these challenges are negatively impacting your life. Before searching for a solution to any problem it is important to be clear what exactly the problem is. It is only then that you can examine how you might go about solving the problem so that you can start to live life to your true potential.   

Whatever your situation you need to identify exactly how these problems are impacting your life.  It is very likely they are not just affecting your farming.  They are probably impacting almost every area of your life.  It is worth spending some time examining these so that you can then decide if something needs to be done to rectify the situation.   Otherwise, you will continue to allow these farming problems to rule your life.  

To bring balance into your life it is important to examine all areas so that you can identify the areas that need attention.  Various experts worldwide identify these areas of our lives under different domains or different headings.  I believe the following seven key areas more or less captures every aspect.  If something is troubling you or causing you stress or anxiety, it is likely that you will be able to allocate it to at least one of these seven areas.  Can you examine your life under these headings?

Areas to look at

  1. Social/Family/Friends
  2. Farming/Career/Education
  3. Money/Finances
  4. Health/Recreation
  5. Routine Responsibilities 
  6. Contribution/Community/Voluntary
  7. Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Wellbeing

In considering these areas, you might consider if you are giving that area enough attention, too much attention, or not addressing it at all.  At least this will help you pinpoint areas you need to address one way or another. Once you have clarified exactly what the problem areas are, you can then go in search for a solution. This is exactly what we will examine in Part 3 of this series.

Finally, I will look closer at this with a couple of farmer cases later in this article.