To improve
to change.
To be perfect
to change often.
– Winston Churchill

“To improve”
to change.
To be perfect
to change often.
– Winston Churchill
About Jobchanger

Frank Hynes
Frank is a husband and father caring passionately about his family and recognises the importance of a good life-work balance. He believes that happiness at work is the key to success. Getting your work life in order will enable you to enjoy the really important things in life.
Frank’s “mission” is to help people be the best you can be so that you can enjoy life and enrich the lives of those around them.
Experience and Leadership
Frank has led diverse teams to deliver major projects when working with Teagasc such as the flagship event held in 2016, “Farming and Country Life, 1916” which commemorated 1916 and attracted an audience of 50,000 visitors.
A winner of numerous innovation awards for pioneering and developing practices for the benefit of the organisation’s clients and employees.
He is an experienced group facilitator pioneering for Teagasc the concept of one adviser establishing and running several discussion groups, a feature that has now become the accepted norm within the organisation and among Private Agricultural Consultants.
Frank holds the following qualifications:
- Graduate Diploma in Leadership Development (IMI)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership Development (UCC)
- Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (WIT)
- Certificate in Health and Safety at Work (UCD)
- Master’s degree in Agricultural extension (UCD)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Science (UCD)
- Numerous other short training programmes

Find a new role you love:
At “job changer” our “Mission” is to help you find not just any job, but a job/career where you will be the best you can be so that you can enjoy life and enrich the lives of those around you.
We work with people who are unhappy with their current career and people who want change but do not know what to do about it.
We run mentoring and training programmes that inspire you to set goals and work out a step-by-step approach to achieve those goals by taking decisive action so that you can find a truly satisfying career.